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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  May 18, 2013 6:00am-8:00am EDT

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this broadcast is real time captioned by carrie o'brien. coming up next on eyewitness news saturday morning -- commuter train crash, the wreck leaves dozens injured in connecticut. the impact it is having on this morning's travel. >> plus, presidential visit. baltimore beams with excitement as president barack obama comes to town. coming up is the answer. >> good morning. i'm meghan mccorkell. the preakness is now hours away. we will tell you who the governor is putting his money on straight ahead. >> looking outside. a cloudy day start to the area, but will the gray skies stick around for preakness? meteorologist tim williams is live with the answer. >> eyewitness news saturday morning starts now.
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good morning. welcome to eyewitness news saturday morning. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm meteorologist tim williams. temperatures are mild this morning. starting off as you mentioned cloudy. >> yeah. >> unfortunately the clouds will be with us for the day. >> okay. >> unfortunately, there is going to be rain probably by the end of the day. so it's going to be not a wash out, but not -- well, but it this way, not the prettiest of days, but not a washout. right now calm conditions and blue out there. this is what we have a lot of instability, showers to the south and southwest because of a front that is stalled to the south. it will allow for that energy to move into the region by this afternoon and evening. the temperatures are mild, 63 degrees at bwi marshall. our day starts off cloudy, stays cloudy. by this evening we're looking for showers across the region
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again, not a washout of your day, but late this evening, heading towards sun down, we could see showers across the region. we will talk about how it politics out coming up. >> thank you, tim. now first, here's what people are talking about today. a story as breaking news last night. a collision of two commuter trains in connecticut sends dozens of people to the hospital and disrupts rail service between new york and boston. alexis christoforous with the latest for wjz eyewitness news. >> two damaged trains sit side by side on the rails near fairfield, connecticut. they collided during rush hour, tearing the corner off of one and slicing the corner off of the other. >> and it appears they started derailing. >> the front of the train was the hardest. the left side was ripped open. >> reporter: the trains were operating on the metro north
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railroad, a commuter line serving new york city's northern suburbs. the country's second largest system. 250 people were aboard the train when they collided after 6:00 p.m. >> i thought this is the end. brace yourself. it was very scary at the moment. once the train came to a stop. and i and the other passengers were okay. my next instinct was to get off and help as many people off. >> reporter: the national transportation safety board has sent investigators to the scene. so far, authorities don't know what caused the derailment. >> i have no reason to believe it is anything but an accident. >> reporter: amtrak has suspended service between new york and boston indefinitely because of the crash. the railway was operated at reduced capacity. alexis christoforous, wjz eyewitness news. >> at last check, five people are in critical condition.
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one of them is in very critical condition. a big day for baltimore, president barack obama comes to town to talk jobs and the middle class. this morning the city is still buzzing. jessica kartalija explains he started with a surprise. >> reporter: a pre-k class at the primary school, a surprise viz for the children. >> hello, everybody. >> here's our special guest. >> hi, hi, mr. president. >> the reaction? >> exciting. >> it was surprising to see the president at my school. >> it was a nice experience. >> the obama administration highlighting early childhood education. in south baltimore focusing on jobs for the middle class. the president taking tour of a local business started in the 1800s. >> the 44th president of the u.s., president barack obama. [ applause ]
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>> reporter: president barack obama crackingjection about a future ravens visit to the white house. >> yes. ray lewis in the china room. >> reporter: and growth in the economic, a drop in unemployment, and improvement in the housing and auto industry. >> the middle class will be my number one focus, period. >> word of the president's visit spread quickly on the motorcade route. >> we watched the cars come in. >> i have camera footage of him coming in and the line and pictures. yep. >> reporter: the president made a last stop at the center for urban families in west baltimore. the first presidential visit that neighborhood has ever seen. >> he picked it up and took a marker and he signed it. those kind of things innate quality of this president. >> thank you, everybody, god bless you, god bless america. >> reporter: jessica
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kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> workers at the dredges company sat on the front row during the speech. and some families were invited there as guests. a body inside of a baltimore county home launches an investigation this morning. sky eye chopper 13 was over the home where the house is located. police found a woman dead inside of the home. and medics rushed a second person to the hospital. police have not released details on who they are or why they are injured. more bad news for maryland's prison system. this is after a department of justice finds that baltimore detention center has the secondest highest rate of staff misconduct across the nation. pat warren explains. >> reporter: the presence of female officers in male facilities is said to reduce
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aggressive. >> i'm your mother, sister, and aunt. >> reporter: it was girlfriend, too, according to the charges. >> correctional officers were engaged in sexual relationships and received payment. >> bcdc has the second highest rate of staff misconduct in jails across the country. 6.7% of inmates reported sexual conduct with jail staff, compared to under 2% nationwide. they are stepping up training with inmates. >> at some point they may ask you for something small, like the ink pen. it is nice, it writes good. can i have that, but those kind of things through training you learn that no is the answer. >> reporter: the study found that higher national average of abuse of inmates incarcerated at the american institution for women in jessup.
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13% of inmate reported being sexually abused by staff and inmates. a hotline has been setup at both facilities. pat warren, wjz eyewitness news. >> injustice department found that correctional facilities with men in maryland have a lower rate of abuse. maryland man locked behind bars in cuba settles a lawsuit with his employer. alan gross was sentenced to spying. well, gross and his wife is saying his employer, development alternatives, did not warn him about the dangers or properly train him for the work. so, the couple filed a $60 million lawsuit against the company. the amount has not been disclosed. hours ago, before the running of the 138th preakness, and president barack -- baltimore is buzzing. it pushes pimlico into the
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spotlight every year. meghan mccorkell explains. >> reporter: good morning. yesterday was black eyed susan day at pimlico. the drink, the horses and of course, the hats. >> it comes with a hat first. and then everything follows at there including the shoes. >> reporter: big crowds at black eye susan day, a fundraisen for the susan g. komen. >> this is more conservative than the preakness day itself. >> reporter: for the first time a concert in the infield. a source of pride for locals. >> i grew up on a horse farm. it brings lots of memories. >> reporter: saturday a lot more people are excited to join in the experience. attendance in the preakness has risen the last four years arrow, with 120,000 spectators last year. the impact of the preakness is
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felt far beyond pimlico. businesses buzzing at the four seasons with cars between the hotel and the racetrack. >> last night the bar was extremely busy. tonight, too, as well. people are making reservations. >> reporter: the economic impact of last year's preakness is estimated around $35 million. >> if tus is like having the super bowl every year come to baltimore. it is a big deal for us. baltimore shows her best. >> reporter: now the racetrack is ready for the national spotlighted. the governor stopped by yesterday morning. he told reporters he is putting his money on the tableerate. orb. meghan mccorkell, wjz eyewitness news. >> , of course, all of the phillies are featured in the black eye susan's day, it is different today at preakness. >> yes, but it, unfortunately, could be damp at preakness time. which is late. the main race is 6:00. just like the kentucky derby it
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was run in the rain. this one, hopefully, the rain will hold on. kentucky derby was a mess. we will not have that mess, but gray and damp, it is because we have showers around. they are lingering, they are moving in, so unfortunately that's the order of the day. not a washout, that's the key. most of the day in. a pretty comfortable day overall. calm conditions, skies are gray. a flow from the east bringing us cloud cover, that is contributing to the moisture in the area. 62 degrees is the temperature. calm winds, 30.20, and high pressure in control of the forecast. around the metro area, 59 in washington county. 59 in west minister as well. then we cool down towards bel air 15. and the rest of us in the low
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to mid-60s. winds are currently calm around central maryland. put you can see the easterly flow around much of the rest of the state. the southeast wind, again, around the river and, you get towards the western part of the stay they come in from the north and northwest. what we're going to be dealing with today and high pressure in control. the bumometer -- barometer. again, the clockwise flow bringing in winds from the east. bringing in moisture, adding to the clouds. that is going to continue throughout the day. what we also have in play is a front that is stalled to the south. that's going to allow for the showers to just move on in. they pretty much ride along the fronts like a highway. the showers are close enough to contribute to the showers and potentially thunderstorms.
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so late tonight and tomorrow. this will impact the lower eastern shore and southern maryland before it impacts us. so the preakness forecast looks like this, high around 70 degrees. the sun will give way to clouds and then a p.m. shower. the winds from the east. it will not be completely sunny, not completely cloudy day. we will have to allow for the chance of showers. here is the front we're talking about. to the south extending way back -- excuse me, way back towards indiana, and illinois, it is extending and moving into to, really, across the region and into the northeast by monday into tuesday. the chance for showers stays us with because the front will not go away. the way it plays out for the next few days, the sunset is at 8:17. the winds at 5 to 10 knots. today, 70 degrees or so, and cooler than yesterday.
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gigi, i'm having a time over here. tonight, clear and a shower or two. and tomorrow, 70. and then 78, 86 and 18, the temperatures well above our high of 75. up near 90 degrees on tuesday. thank you. [ laughter ] still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. 18th day on the month of may. sitting quietly right now, camden yard, tampa bay in town. we're looking at a pretty decent day for all activities outside. orioles playing today as well. that's this evening. of course, preakness is what most folks are focused on
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today. a dry bit of air to the north. that will stay to the north. high pressure will create that dry air. you have to get into pennsylvania to get that. unstable conditions here. showers around. showers will not washout the forecast today, but watch for the chance for showers this afternoon. variable, temperatures around 70 degrees. cooler than yesterday, of course, in the 80 degree range yesterday. these are the showers. we'll keep an eye on them. by this evening a few of them making their way into the baltimore region. the exclusive eye witness news first warning five-day forecast is coming up. g? >> thank you, kim. first, here's what people are talking about today. in china torrential rain are devastating that country. in the south a number of landslides. the chinese government is saying five people were killed and four more missing. a wave of 16 tornadoes touched down near texas. half of a dozen people are dead
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this morning, many of them are still trying to find what is left behind. we have the latest from hard hit granbury texas. >> reporter: eddie martin has not come to turn with what the tornado stole from his. his grandfather and grandmother were killed. >> there is no royable part of this house anymore. they found all three of them close together. and obviously, my father and grandmother didn't make it. my mom is in the hospital now. >> reporter: four others were also killed in the area, when a series of 16 tornadoes broke out in north texas on wednesday. the town of granbury was hardest hit. >> how far did the tornado blow the house? >> judging from here, close to 300 yard lines. >> reporter: the cape crashing down behind smith's home.
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minutes after the tornado hit, he started pulling the family from the rubble. >> i saw i had a house in my backyard. the first thing i thought, was anybody in the house. >> reporter: residents in the hardest hit areas have been blocked off from returning ever since the tornadoes touched down. they will finally be allowed to check on their homes beginning saturday morning. wjz eyewitness news. >> as the cleanup continues, more storms could be on the way this weekend. not just in texas, but the grain plains as well. the i.r.s. scandal continues this morning. republican lawmakers have mere questions now after hearing testimony from the ousted i.r.s. chief. steven miller apologized for the agency misconduct. and insisted that agents who gave tougher treatment did not act out of political bias. government leaders were made aware back in june that
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investigators were looking into the complaint. tea party groups said that they were singled out, but he testified that politics did not motivate their actions either. a charity set up to help the three women freed from a decade of captivity in cleveland, has reached a $1/2 million. the charity, the cleveland courage fund has reached $4,080,000. donations are coming in from 50 states and several foreign countries. it will go into four trust funds for the women. and castro, the man accused of kidnapping and raping them is under suicide watch in jail. new york city artist is under fire this morning from the object of his photo exhibits. he took pictures of the people through their windows of their apartment, like creaming and cleaning and no faces are revealed. the artist is saying raising
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their curtains, his neighbors were performing on a stage of their own creation. >> hmm. >> how about when they start throwing buckets of water out of their windows. >> and other things. >> you. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the exclusive eye witness news first warning five-day forecast, today, around 70
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degrees. there are clouds. tomorrow a better chance of rain. if there is going to be a washout of one day this weekend, it will be tomorrow, not today. a chance of thunderstorms on monday. we will start to clear on tuesday and wednesday. the temperatures will soar. 9 degrees for the two days. because of the heat we're going to see thunderstorms by the end of the week. the temperatures staying in the low 80s. a sudden plunge in the blue crab population here in maryland in the bay, means belt tightening for waterman. >> and alex demetrick reports fewer crabs are making to the market. >> reporter: how fat or lean a crab harvest is, is predicting each year by a survey done in the chesapeake. especially important are the baby crab. >> this year the crab population dropped substantially by 50% there. are fewer crabs to fish on. >> reporter: in 2012, 765 million, but that number
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dropped to 300 million this year. the biggest decline was in juveniles, 581, to 111 million. >> it is the abundance of the baby crabs that drives the populations. >> reporter: that forced new rules on catching female crabs. an additional 10% reduction is now in play. >> science says that we need a reduction, that's what we have to go by. the problem that i have with it is, is whether the science is good or not. >> reporter: bob evans thinks that too much evidence is placed on the juvenile accounts. >> the tiny crabs, most of those are eat up by predators before they grow up anyway. >> reporter: the reduced female harvest wit hit hardest in summer and fall, with females are the primary catch for waterman. money they won't be hauling in. alex demetrickler. >> the restrictions on females
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is to, to keep as many as possible in the bay, to responsibility next year's young. that is a good plan. >> yes. it is. we have to look at the cab population -- crab population. coming up next on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> reporter: the drinks, the horses, ask of course, the hats. >> the comes with the hat first, and everything follows after that. >> reporter: big crowds at black-eyed susan day, a fundraiser for the susan k komen day. >> this is more conservative. >> reporter: for the first time, a preakness eve concert in the infield, the weekend a source of pride for locals. >> i grew up on a horse farm. so a lot of memories coming back here. >> reporter: saturday, a lot more people are expected to join in the experience. attendance at the preakness has reason the last four years in a row, with 121,000 spectators last year. the impact of the preakness
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here in baltimore is felt far beyond pimlico. businesses bustling at the four seasons and harbor east. cars continuously running between the hotel and the racetrack. >> as of last night, the bar was extremely busy. tonight as well. people making reservation far in advance. >> reporter: last year's preakness is estimated $35 million. >> if us it is like having the super bowl every year come to baltimore. it is a big, big deal us. >> reporter: now the racetrack is once again ready for the national spotlight. the governor did stop by the racetrack yesterday morning he told reporters he is putting his money on the favorite, orb. meghan mccorkell, wjz eyewitness news. >> a lot of people are. well, people are counting down the event to the main hours of it, sports director mark viviano has the preview. >> reporter: good morning. 138 years of running the preakness steaks. an event in history.
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and a number of horses and riders racing to get their names in the history books. they are world's greatest racehorses, vying for the world's most expensive hardware, the vase in the millions of dollars. one of them has a shot at the sports triple crown. kentucky derby winner, orb, he needs to follow-up at the preakness and then the belmont steaks to be the first triple crown winner in 30 years. >> i try to block it out. but in this position, you think about it and get reminded of it quite often, too. >> you do think about it, but try not to get ahead of yourself. this is a tough race. you know -- all of that goes way if you can't get this done. there is a lot of reasons why horses don't win races. >> reporter: among those who look to beat orb, he is hoping
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to be the first african- american rider to win the preakness in 115 years. no women has ever won the
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preakness. now, this is a homecoming for her. >> i used to gallop out of that barn right there. which is now a takes barn. we would not have such a luxerous horse path with the flowers. but i have great memories. to ride the preakness is a dream come true. >> reporter: he is here for more than just a homecoming. she wants to beat orb and win the preakness. the race goes off at 6:20 later today. back to you. >> reporter: you cannot wait. and the horse is the second favorite in the race, 5-1 odds. this morning dozens are in the hospital and the rail service between new york and boston is suspended following the collision of two commuter trains in connecticut. it happened during the evening rush hour on the metro north. medics rushed 60 people to hospitals. five of them are reported in critical condition. one is very critical condition. passengers -- describe the moment of impact. >> i thought this is the end, brace yourself, you know, it was very scary at the moment and i saw that i and other passengers were okay. my next instinct was to get off and help as many people as i could. >> reporter: national transportation safety board sense investigators to the scene. group of boaters are safe this morning following a close call on baltimore's harbor. passengers on a near by cruise ship spotted a boat in distress near the key bridge. several people were clinging to the boat when they were towed to shore. no one was hurt.
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prince george's county police taser naked man after he climbs on top of a firetruck. here is the video. >> reporter: his name is mohammed, and his mugshot doesn't tell you enough about his state of mind. look at the video on youtube. he is naked and shouting profanities from the firetruck. surrounded by firefighters and police, hoping to put an end to the incident. he climbed down and hit with a taser. by prince george county police who handcuffed him quickly. >> i can describe it as being textbook. >> reporter: today the major said it is an illustration of the effects of pcp. >> that i'm looked to be 5-7 to 5-8, and 125 pounds. but the strength of a 300-pound man. >> reporter: this started half
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of a mile away. >> reporter: this is my car. >> reporter: this car was hit end on by a vehicle. inside, a man with a critical gunshot wound to the face. two of them fled, and one was stripping his clothes off. >> he ran from the car this way. >> reporter: seconds later he saw the naked man clinging to the roof of an suv, and then riding off when the stunned driver stopped? >> it looks like a movie. >> reporter: minutes later the naked man turned up on top of a firetruck, who's crew was inside of the store getting groceries. the shooting, the crash, and the firetruck was claimed on pcp by police. monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> and he is charged with attempted murder. his victim was a friend who was shot for no apparent reason. three months after maryland regulators approve a request for bge, the utility is asking
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for another rate increase. it would add $4 a month to the typical electricity bill, and $2 to the gas bill. the money will pay to improve the liability of the power grid. they want to at a separate surcharge that would rise to 75 cents per month over five years. big scramble for lottery tickets today. the powerball jackpots reaching a high. now, rochelle ritchie with more. >> reporter: good morning. i already have my ticket, i'm a hopeful woman like millions of other people, hoping they have the winning numbers to take home $600 million. one by one people are filing into their local drugstores and gas stations hoping that they have purchased the winning numbers to the $600 million powerball jackpot up for grabs. >> the is beyond rational thinking. >> reporter: ask ken and mark and many are stunned to see the lottery so high, the hightist
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has ever been, but your chances, 1 out of 175 million? people are doing pools at work and hoping it gives them a better chance of striking it rich. >> 60 people, probably. >> so what happens if you won? >> a walk out. >> reporter: if they don't win $600 million, there is some amount of money to make them happy. >> a million. >> reporter: ticket holders are saying if they win, they will not call out sick. it will be an early retirement. >> i will quit my job. >> $377 million for the lump sum. that's not too bad. rochelle ritchie, wjz eyewitness news. >> no, it isn't. well, the powerball drawing is tonight. there cutoff for buying tickets it is 9:00 p.m. now sports the orioles light up the scoreboard with the most runs this season, but
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it doesn't matter in the end. hamill is having a tough time with the rays. kelly slaps a homer in the 3rd, putting the rays on tom, 5-3. and the birds trail by 8 runs, but they come back to score 6 in the 8th. however, it is not enough. the zeros loose this one, 12- 10. they will take on the rays again this afternoon. >> okay. >> you score 10 and not is not enough, that's a problem. >> yes. it is. what was not a problem yesterday? >> what. >> i was sweating. this is the first time i will say this in my life and probably the last. >> okay. >> it felt good. >> because you just like the warm weather. >> oh, my gosh, i missed it. we haven't had it in so long. yesterday it felt like 4th of
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july, barbecue, and hotdog in your hand, and in a swimsuit. >> all right. >> i was at pimlico. we have to get more days. >> you're right. you will have that same chance later in the week. unfortunately, not so much now. >> wait for it. >> wait for it. tuesday and wednesday, 90 degrees. so believe it or not. a cost, though, a few thunderstorms on either end of that. today, a little bit gray. take a look. we have sun out there, don't want you to think that the day will be a washout. not a lot of rain around right now. the rain is in southern maryland and the lower eastern shore. we will see sun, as you see it is peaking through. the problem is, the later in the day the better chance for clouds to move in. with the clouds comes the chance of showers after a cooler day than today. yesterday, gigi was basking, it was 80 degrees. we're looking at a high around
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70 degrees. so 10 degree differential. in the 60s for most of the day. 70s we will top out this afternoon. high pressure is in control of the forecast. that's contributing to the clouds here. i will show you that in a second. the rain has moved across that area over the last few a hours. 59 in westminster. 62 in columbia. and 64 in annapolis and on kent island. winds coming in from the east in elkton and the southeast in easton and down at the river. washington, d.c. as well. then you get a bit of a northwest flow towards hagerstown. the high pressure that is dominating the forecast right now, believe it or not, we are clouds, but the high pressure is dominating it.
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it is sitting around cape cod, remember there is a clockwise flow around the high, that's bringing in the easterly winds and moisture off of the bay and the ocean, that can contributing to the clouds. the high is not doing what we would like to it do. down to the south the rain is moving in. this is around kentucky and tennessee, this riding along a stalled front that's to the south and going to allow for several of the ways of rain to move across the region. our forecast for the preakness, near 70 degrees. sun will give way to clouds in the afternoon. by the evening, we are headed towards sundown with a chance of showers. 30% chance, 70% chance there will not be rain. most of the day dry, but gray. here here is the front that we're talking about to allow for the rain to stay close by. the front angles up and moves across the region by monday and tuesday and then see clearing, but it will bring the chance of showers through the beginning
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of the week. tuesday and wednesday warm air, 90 degrees, and then another chance of thunderstorms, showers or thunderstorms, that's, thunderstorms, or something i was saying there, by the end of the week. 8:17 is your sunset time, and no advisories on the bay. there are your wednesdays, 68 degrees and a chance of showers this evening. 68 degrees and showers tonight. and then tomorrow, tomorrow more rain in the forecast. tomorrow could very well be a wash. and then 78, 86, 18, and then down to 82 with thursdays by thursday. >> okay. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning --
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[ male announcer ] all crossovers give you room for stuff. but the chevrolet equinox has a multi-flex sliding rear seat to give you the most rear seat legroom of any five-passenger vehicle in its class. plus an amazing amount of cargo room. total flexibility for both. to ingeniously carry people. and their stuff. ♪ that's american ingenuity to find new roads.
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it is partly cloudy. 62 degrees in central maryland right now. the exclusive eye witness news first warning five-day forecast is straight ahead. first, it was a wild scene
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caught on camera in florida, a car takes a plunge into a fort lauderdale pool leaving one person injured. look at this. police are saying a wrong way driver slammed into the car that was parked, and sending it into the hotel pool. the driver of the car was rushed to the hospital. no one else was injured in the incident. the cause of the crash is a mystery. the mayor of toronto is facing allegations that he was caught on tape smoking crack. reporters swarmed rob ford as he walked out of his house. the toronto "starnews" paper was approached by someone wanting to sell the video. they watched the tape and it looks like mayor that he was smoking something out of a crack pop. ford is denying the allegations. >> the allegations are ridiculous. it is another story of, of, with respect to the toronto star going after me.
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that's, that's all that i got to say for now. thank you. >> this is not the first time ford has faced scandal. he appear under toxicated as a calla in february. the u.n.'s food agency is push a new super food group. lots of protein, nutritious and a crunch. we're talking about insectsthism food and agricultural organization is saying eating bugs may combat global hunger. the sects are part of a diet in certain regions of the world. the fao is saying if more of us punched on critters it would help with food security and the environment? >> i'm sorry. >> they are not just for breakfast anymore. >> count me out of the group. >> you know, think about it, gigi, you are out on a story. trying to stop for lunch. you cannot get to the fast food
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place, you stop-off, grab bugs out of the ground and keep going. >> i would never have to leave the parking lot here at wjz eyewitness news. >> you would not have a leave the building, maybe. right? >> oh, no. we will not be in that group. >> oh, boy. still ahead on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,
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>> the devastation caused by hurricane sandy, made a bad situation worse here. the town was in the slump because of a down economy, now locals are doing whatever they can to bring people and spirits back into this area. a kitchen is moving again at the chris field crab house and grill. >> not yet. >> reporter: two years after closing. the popular waterfront spot is once again open for business. >> all winter we have been talking about what if we got that restaurant open, would it bring people back? >> jenny is one of three partners banding together to bring the restaurant back to life. they are hoping to gives a boost to a community hit hard by a down economy, and last year, hurricane sandy. >> sandy was like the final nail in the casket. we all, of course, were flooded down here. >> reporter: heavy wind and rain flooded homes and businesses with 2 feet of water and the city dock was ripped to
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shreds. now, locals are rebuilding what was broken. >> you are hoping all of the little things will end up to what? >> a thriving community again. >> reporter: is working. crab cakes are bringing people back. >> we love the community and crab. >> reporter: make and sherry drove 45 minutes to eat here. they are part of a movement to make sure that people don't forget what they can offer. >> people are coming around and saying that -- this, you know, this is our town. we've got to do something about it. >> right now the restaurant is working on short-term lease, but if business is good they are hoping to keep it open. reporting live, monique griego, wjz eyewitness news. >> the crab houses as a bar that will be open in a few weeks. >> okay. just in time for the summer trips. okay. good job. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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well, the exclusive eye witness news first warning five- day forecast. today, up to 68 degrees. near 70. a better chance of rain tomorrow. 70 degrees. and chance of thunderstorms and, temperatures going up. 78 degrees on monday. we will start to clear out, but the temperatures will soar tuesday and wednesday, 86 and 87. and then another chance of thunderstorms on thursday. lows in the 60s. there is together hour of eyewitness news saturday morning. there is another hour coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. coming up next on eyewitness news saturday morning -- a train crash. the wreck leaves dozens injured in connecticut. the impact on local travel this morning. >> plus presidential visit. baltimore beams with excitement as baltimore comes to town. so i did he viz isn't we will answer that straight ahead. >> and good morning. i'm meghan mccorkell. the preakness is now just hours
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away. >> take a live look outside. a cloudy day start in the area, but will the gray skies stick around for preakness? meteorologist tim williams is live with first warning weather forecast. eyewitness news saturday morning is seconds away. good morning. welcome to eyewitness news saturday morning. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm meteorologist tim williamss are in the 60s around the area. we have cloud cover out there, that will linger through the day. there will be breaks of sun. we had sun already that we have seen. the winds are calm, but the gray skies will linger because of easterly winds off of the ocean, bringing in moisture and contributing to the clouds. so what will be seeing today if
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you look at first warning weather radar so rain to the south, but there is a front stalled down there that will allow for the rain to stay close by. to the west, scattered showers around. much at that activity will move into the region. today, not a washout. tomorrow a better chance of rain. hopefully, we will get most of the activities of the day in before the rain makes its way across the region. 62 degrees at bwi marshall 64 in oakland. 59 in ocean city. our forecast today with a good bit of cloud cover, the sun gives way to clouds the temperatures in the mid to upper 60s as the day time high. the exclusive eye witness news first warning five-day forecastler and the forecast for the preakness coming up. >> thank you, tim. first, here's what people are talking about today. it is a story that we first brought you as breaking news last night. a collision of two commuter trains in connecticut sends dozens of people to the hospital and disrupts rail service between new york and
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boston. alexis christoforous has the latest for wjz eyewitness news. >> two damaged trains sit side by side on the rails near fairfield, connecticut. the trains collided during friday's evening rush hour, tearing the corner off of one and slicing open the side of another. >> it appears that one of the trains began derailing as they were reaching each other. >> reporter: the front of the train was hit the hardest with the left side being ripped open. they were, seemed they were thrown across the train. >> the trains were operating on the metro north railroad, a commuter line servicing new york city's northern suburb, it is the second largest system. 250 people were aboard the trains when they collided after 6:00 p.m. >> i thwart this is the end. brace your. is you know, it was very scary at that moment. once the train came to a stop, i and the passengers around me were okay. i got off.
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>> reporter: the national transportation safety board has sent investigators to the scene. so far, authorities don't know what caused the derailment. >> i have no reason to believe it ask anything but ants accident. >> reporter: amtrak has suspended service between new york and boston indefinitely because of the crash. the railway had been operating at reduced capacity already because of work on overhead power lines. alexis christoforous, wjz eyewitness news. >> at last check, five people are still in critical condition. one of them is in very critical condition. a big day for baltimore, president barack obama comes to town to talk jobs and the middle class. this morning the city is still buzzing. as jessica kartalija explains. the president started his visit with a special surprise. >> ready. >> reporter: a breakfaster ceclass, surprise visit for the children. >> hello, everybody. >> here is our special guest. >> they? >> hi.
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>> hi, mr. president. >> hi, mr. president. >> good to see you guys. >> reporter: the reaction? >> exciting. >> it was surprising. to see the president of my school. >> it was a nice experience. >> reporter: the obama administration highlighting early childhood education. then in south baltimore, focusing on jobs for the middle class. the president taking a tour of trend as local business started in the 1800s. >> 44th president of the united states, president barack obama. [ applause ] ♪ [ music ] >> president barack obama cracking jokeses about a future ravens visit to the white house. >> ray lewis in the china room. >> reporter: and then talking about growth in the economy a drop in unemployment nationwide, and improvements and the housing and auto industries. >> the middle class will always be my number one focus, period, your jobs, your families. your communities. >> reporter: word of the president's visit spread quickly on the motorcade group.
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>> i saw the cars come in. >> i had camera footage of him coming in, in the line and pictures. yep, definitely a memory. >> reporter: the president made a last stop at the center for urban families in west baltimore. the first presidential visit that neighborhood has ever seen. >> he picked it up, took a marker and signed it. it is those kind of things that are innate qualities of this president. >> thank you, everybody. god bless you and god bless america. >> jessica kartalija, wjz eyewitness news. >> and workers at dredges sat on the front row. a maryland man is locked behind bars in cuba settles a lawsuit with his employer. the cuban government sentenced alan gross to prison 2009. gross and his wife saying that his employer, development alternatives, did not warn him
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about the dangers or properly train him for the work. the couple filed a $60 million lawsuit against the company. the amount is not being disclosed. hours ago for the preakness, pimlico is pushed into the nation spotlight every year. as meghan mccorkell explains, the fuativityerize underway. >> reporter: good morning. yesterday it was black-eyed susan day at pimlico, which is a major event on its own. >> reporter: the drinks, the horses and of course, the hats. >> comes with the hat first and everything follows after that. >> reporter: big crowds at black-eyed susan day, a fundraiser for the season g komen foundation. >> this is more conservative than preakness itself. >> for the tist time a preakness eve councilor in the infield, the weekend is a source of pride for locals.
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>> i grew up on a horse farm, the brings a lot of memories. >> reporter: saturday, a lot more people are expected to join in the experience. attendance at the preakness has risen the last four years in a row, with 121,000 spectators last year. the impact of the preakness here in baltimore is felt far beyond pimlico. businesses bustling at the four seasons, with cars continuously running between the hotel and the racetrack. >> as of last night, the bar was extremely busy. tonight, too, as well. people are making ressertrations far in advance. >> reporter: the economic impact of last year's preakness is estimated at $35 million. >> if us it's like having the super bowl every year in baltimore. it is a big deal for us. >> reporter: now the racetrack is once again ready for the national spotlight. the governor stopped by the race track yesterday morning he is putting his money on the
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favorite, orb. meghan mccorkell, wjz eyewitness news. >> a lot of people are. >> yeah. i -- you know, i don't know the whole field. a lot of times by now, i hear other names. now, orb is the only one i know. >> or one woman i met picks a certain number. only 3. >> really. >> or the colors. >> only blue. >> only blue. >> so a 3 horse has blue on it, then she is a winner. >> unfortunately -- her horse was last. so that may not be a if strategy. >> so much for that system. you know, hopefully a lot of folks with their system will take out, you know -- >> umbrella. >> yes. it is a just in case system. you need to have it. it needs to be in place for today. temperatures on the comfortable side. you don't want it to be excessively hot and sunny thin
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sunny -- in the infield, we have seen the results of that. the barometer has gone up since the last check. that has actually risen over the last few hours or so. 60 degrees right now in ocean city. we have 56 in elkton. 54 in oakland. we have 59 now in westminster. 62 is the temperature in columbia. as you can see the temperatures are updating for the 7:00 hour. these winds are calm around central maryland, a bit of an easterly flow. southeast wind in ocean city. high pressure sitting now up around cape cod, it is carving out a nice dry area there in new england, but the clockwise flow around the high bringing us the easterly winds. it will contribute to the cloud cover early on and keep the sun from really shining brightly through the afternoon. and add to that, that we have a stalled front to the south, that will allow for several areas of low pressure and basically just disturbms to say along that front. just like a highway, the bits of distance ride along that. so for preakness, 70 degrees. sun to clouds, and then a p.m. shower around. the winds from the east will stay persistent, 6 to 12 miles per hour. again, the 138th running could be under clouds, not a washout like for the kentucky derby. here is the front to the south. the warm air will move in by the middle of the week. the temperatures up to 80 degrees, but the rain chance with us. tomorrow, a better chance than today. today it is gray. the better chance of showers towards the evening. a 30% chance through the day. the later the day the better
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chance for the rain. 8:17 is your sunset time. 60 degrees today. cooler than yesterday. up around 80 degrees. tonight, 58. mostly cloudy skies. with a couple of showers around. 70 degrees, with again, cloudy and showers tomorrow and then 78 on monday, that is the transition day. the winds will shift. and then we go up into the 80s. 86 on tuesday, 87 on wednesday and look for thunderstorms on thursday, the temperatures in the overnight hours in the 60s. >> still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. we're looking at temperatures in the low 60s right now. camden yard is quiet right now. yesterday they were rocking and rolling. 12-10, the orioles lost that game against the rays.
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you can see the action here on eyewitness news saturday morning. our focus now, you can see dry air to the north. showers to the south. the showers can be moving into the region by late this evening and into tomorrow. a better chance of the rain moving in. a variably cloudy day. cooler than yesterday's 80 degrees. 68 degrees is the high. with a shower or two around late. and then mostly sunny and a couple of showers tonight. 58 degrees. that is above normal. and then tomorrow around 70. and your the exclusive eye witness news first warning five- day forecast is coming up. >> thank you. first, here's what people are talking about today. well, in china this morning torrential rains are devastating large sections of that country. in the south, the storms have caused a number of landslides. the chinese government is saying five people were killed, they are looking for four more who are missing. north texas residents will return home this morning to retrieve what belongings that might be left behind and clean up after a string of tornadoes hit the area.
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16 twisters broke out in north texas on wednesday. the town of granbury was hit the hardest. a total of six people are dead. forecasters are warning more storms are possible this weekend. not just in texas, also in much of the great plains area. a new york city artist is under fire from the subject of his recent photo exhibits. he took pictures of people through the windows of their luxury a apartments and show tasks like sleeping and cleaning, but the artist is saying raising their cart -- curtains they were performing on the stage. all right. it is preakness today. several road closures are in effect. >> we are joined on the phone this morning by mark jones from the mta. good morning,. >> good morning. if you are you are heading to pimlico take the mta and forget
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about the parking. >> all right. mark. thank you very much. >> you got to know how to get around on pimlico. >> yes. you certainly do. coming up next on eyewitness news saturday morning -- [ male announcer ] what do you want to get done today?
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want to take the loader off? bing. bang. boom. need to connect a mower deck? oh, look, you just did. the 1 family sub-compact tractor with dozens of attachments -- only from john deere. now, how can you top that tomorrow? that's how we run. and nothing runs like a deere. see common-sense innovation at work with the 1 family tractors
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[ no audio ] it was test fired last week in texas. the government warns that putting the plans on-line could violet export laws. before they disappeared, they were downloaded 100,000 times. we have been following a developing storyl for months
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now. wjz eyewitness news investigations. vic carter looks at why the internet and 3d printers could make homemade weapons the next battle. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. information on the internet is making gun control more difficult. >> shock waves from the boston marathon bombings rippling across the nation. investigators learned that the pressure cooker bombs that the suspects built that killed three and injuries hundreds. was found on how to manuals people can get on-line. >> a mirror image, or exactly from the manual. >> reporter: now you can learn more than bomb making on the internet, if you the money to buy a 3d printer and knows how to make guns you can make it in your home. >> you're making a gun. >> oh, absolutely. >> reporter: in the basement
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of his home, using a 3d printer, wjz eyewitness news found travis tinkering with technology, tea pots, chess pieces and gun. >> this is the firearm. >> reporter: travis is just having fun with the cutting edge toy, but some fear this technology could put guns in the wrong hands. >> do you understand the concerns that law enforcement might have, tsa and other agencies about the potential for these types of weapons. >> the is possible it can be misused. all technology can be, but the potential advantages outweigh the risks. >> reporter: a search is finding dozens of websites for plans with making your gun part. >> welcome to the age of the printed magazine. >> the homemade gun in the future has the attention of lawmakers on capitol hill.
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>> plastic magazines and receivers that are firing off hundreds of rounds. >> steve israel is leading the ban. >> we should motthick it easy for bad guys, criminals and terrorists to manufacturer plastic gun components that can be brought onto a plane. >> the website worries authorities with hundreds of on- line blueprints for homemade weapons. the first working gun is made of plastic. wilson is saying it is everyone's right to own a gun. he is daring the government to stop him. >> i'm only the beginning. >> reporter: but where does it end? >> how difficult is it to stay ahead of the technology creating laws like this? >> the difficulty that technology proceeds so rapidly that sometimes the laws follow. >> make it super illegal, as you probably will. a law has nothing to say about it. >> you want to make it easier
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for bad guys to do bad things. >> reporter: vic carter, wjz eyewitness news. >> and congressman israel is pushing to renew the undetectable firearms act. >> all right. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- the only thing we'd ever grown together
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was a record collection. no. there was that fuzzy stuff on the gouda. [ both ] ugh! when it came to our plants... we were so confused. how much is too much water? too little? until we got miracle-gro moisture control. it does what basic soils don't by absorbing more water, so it's there when plants need it. yeah, they're bigger and more beautiful. guaranteed. in pots. in the ground. in a ukulele. are you kidding me? that was my idea. with the right soil...
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm meteorologist tim williams. at the bottom of the hour here, the temperatures are in the 60s across the area. a few 50s in there. we have seen sun peaking through the clouds today. we have seen a lot of cloud cover right now. temperatures are going to stay in the 60s for much of the day. probably topping out around 70 degrees. again, while it won't be a washout, it may not be the prettiest day in store. right now the temperatures in
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the 60 degree range. and the daytime high around 70 degrees. clouds and cooler than yesterday, 80 degrees or so and a shower around. term a better chance of rain through the day. mostly cloudy skies, again, with a couple of showers. sounds like a broken record, but we will talk about how it plays out coming up. >> all right. first, here's what people are talking about today. preakness is one of the big stories people are talking about today. it is just now showers before the running of the 138 preakness takes and baltimore is bustling. racing fans wait to see the kentucky derby winner, orb, can do it again. meghan mccorkell explains. >> reporter: good morning. well, yesterday was black-eyed susan day at pimlico, which is a major event all on its own. the drinks, the horses, and, of course, the hats. >> this comes with a hat first, and everything follows after that. including the shoes.
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>> reporter: big crowds at black-eyed susan day, a fundraiser for the susan g. komen. >> this is more conservative. >> reporter: for the first time, a preakness eve concert in the infield. the weekend a source of pride for locals. >> i grew up on a horse farm. >> saturday, a lot more people are expected to join in the experience. attendance that preakness has risen the last four years in a row, with more than 121,000 spectators last year. the impact of the preakness here in baltimore, is felt beyond pimlico. >> reporter: businesses bustling at the four seasons with cars continuously running by the hotel and the racetrack. >> asf olast night the bar was extremely busy. tonight, too, as well. people are making reservations. >> reporter: the economic impact of last year's preakness
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is estimated at $35 million. >> if us it's like having the super bowl come to baltimore every year. it is a big, bill deal for us. >> reporter: now the racetrack is ready for the national spot light. the governor stopped by the racetrack yesterday morning. he told reporters he is putting his money on the favorite, orb. meghan mccorkell, wjz eyewitness news. >> of course, many people are. nine horses will returned to in the triple crown. and as meghan just said the favorite is orb. the kentucky derby winner managed to get in one last workout before today's race. he is the center of attention. among his visitors is governor o'malley. the preakness race is off at 6:20 this evening. well, this morning dozens are in the hospital and rail service between new york and boston is suspended following a collision of two commuter rains
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in conversation. it happened during the evening rush hour in fairfield, that serves the northern suburbs of new york city. medics rushed 60 people to hospitalize. five people are in critical condition this morning. one of them is in very critical condition. national transportation safety board has sent investigators to the scene. a group of boaters are safe this morning following a close call. passengers on a cruise ship spotted their boat in distress near the key bridge. several people were clinging to the boat while they got it towed ashore. people saying no one was served during the incident according to police. well, just three months after maryland regulators approved a request from bge. they are asking for another race increase. it would add $4 a month to the
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typical electric bill and $2.50 to the gas bill. the company wants to add a separate surcharge that would rise to 75-cent as month over the next five years. it is big scrambled to for lottery tickets. the powerball jackpot reaches a record high. rochelle ritchie has more on the mad rush. >> reporter: well, good morning. i argument have my ticket. i'm a hopeful woman, just like millions of other people, hoping they have the winning numbers to take home $600 million. one by one, people are filing into their local drug stores and gas stations hoping they have purchased the winning numbers to the $600 million powerball jackpot up for grab. >> it is beyond rational thinking. >> reporter: and many are stunned to see the a lotopy so high, but your chances to win it, 1 out of 175 million.
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some people are doing pools at work and hoping that may give them a better chance of striking it rich. >> 60 people. >> what happened if you guys won? >> a walk out. >> reporter: if they don't win $600 million, there is some amount of money that could make them pretty happy. >> i could win a million. >> ticket holders are saying they are not calling out sick, but an early retirement. >> i will quick my job, first of all, of. >> reporter: that is a nice retirement. if you have the winning numbers the lump sum, $377 million. not too bad. rochelle ritchie, wjz eyewitness news. >> that is not shabby. the powerball drawing is tonight. hurry up, the cutoff for buying the tickets, 9:00 p.m. well, turning the sports the orioles light up the scoreboard with the most runs scored this season, but it doesn't matter in the end.
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hamill is having a tough time with the rays. johnson slam as three-run homer in the 3rd inning pudding the rays on top, 5-3. and the birds will trail by 8 runs, but they come back to score 6 in the 8th. however it is not enough. the orioles lose this 1, 12-10. remember, you can see the orioles home stand continue this weekend. you can see the game sunday right here, at 130 live on wjz eyewitness news. >> all right. >> all right. preakness today. >> yes. you know, we are look outside the kind of tells the story. part of the chi is really bright. part has heavy clouds. that's the order of the day. not the prettiest day, not a washout. sun and clouds. this is the way it will play out. so there you have it. it will cut done on the sun burn and the heat stroke, and
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heat related issues. the alcohol-related issues, i'm not sure much for that, but hopefully, you will party responsibly. right now, it is 62 degrees at bwi. 63 is the dew point. the humidity is at 72%. that has gone up. high pressure to our north and northeast is contributing to that and also to our cloud cover. i will show you that here in a second. 54 degrees right now in oakland. temperatures in the metro area in the upper 50s. to the low 60s. bel air is checking in at 58 this morning. the washington, d.c., 65. and winds are picking up out in oakland at 13 miles per hour. the river at 13. relatively light winds, or even calm like at bwi marshall.
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it is the clockwise flow around the high that is bringing in the moisture off of the ocean, that is contributing to the cloud cover. we have a front down to the south it is aligned for the moisture to ride along, that will keep the cloud cover around. and keep the moisture to the south. and keep the chance for rain. 30% chance in the forecast for today. the preakness stakes, 138 running. the race is off at 6:20 today. the high around. winds are persistent from the east at 6 to 12 miles per hour. here is the front to the south. it is going to lift from the west and move across the state. move up into new england. by the end of this weekend, we will start to see a shift in the winds from the east to the
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southwest. that will allow the temperatures to go up heading into the east. so the 60s today. and 70 tomorrow and then get into the 80s by the middle of the week. that's because of the shift with the winds tapping into warmer air around the south and southwest. 68 is our high. sun giving way to clouds tonight. and then mostly cloudy, with a couple of clouds around. and warmer than today. 78 degrees. 78 on monday, a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. and then look at this, 86, 87, 82, clearing in the middle of the week. and a chance of showers and thunderstorms by the end of the week. still ahead on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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62 degrees. partly cloudy skies in central maryland right now. a live look there. the exclusive eye witness news first warning five-day forecast is straight ahead. first, here's what people are talking about today. a wild scene caught on camera in florida after a car talks a plunge into a fort lauderdale pool leaving one person injured. a wrong way driver slammed into the car that was parked. that sent it into the hotel pool. the driver of the car was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. no one else was hurt. the cause of the crash is a mystery this morning. the mayor of toronto is facing allegations that he was caught on tape smoking crack. reporters swarmed rob ford as he walked out of his house. the toronto "starnews" paper is saying it was approached by
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someone who wanted to sell the video. the newspaper is saying that they watched the tape and it looks like the mayor smoking something out of a crack pipe. rob ford has since denied the allegations. >> these allegations are ridiculous. it is another -- story of, of -- with respect to the toronto star going after me. that's i'll i've got to say for now. >> this is not the first time ford has been under fire. he appeared intoxicated at a galley in february. and accused of globing in march. well, the cons film festival is the scene of a million dollar jewelry east. thieves ripped off a hotel. the items were not part of a collection loaned to actresses for their red carpet
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appearances. the u.n.'s food agency is pushing a few super group. lots of protein, nutritious and a satisfying crunch. we're talking about insects. the food and drug administration is saying eating drugs may combat global hunger. they are already part of a dieed in regions, and the fao is saying it could help maintain food security and help the environment. >> that does not make you want to eat breakfast this morning. yes. our guest brought us munchkins today. that is as much crunch as i want this morning. it is preakness day in maryland. thousands more in. you want a good game plan traveling to the big event. >> we are joined by mark from the mta. how are you doing?
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>> good morning. >> all right. thank you, mark. >> thank you very much. and wjz eyewitness news is live at the racecourse this morning. out there we are joined by mike. mike is the president of communications with the maryland jockey club.
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mike. good morning. >> good morning. tim and gigi. you should be out here. >> we used to, but we're still on preakness. and speaking of preakness. you have orb there. i was over by his stall yesterday and saw a lot of people taking picture. what has it been like hosting this horse? >> i tell you the one thing is, the trainer is very relaxed. so, i would assume that he has a lot of confidence in the horse. yesterday the -- the speed really was not holding well on, here at pimlico. the track is -- playing like i did yesterday, orb is probably going to win pretty easily. i think. >> no, we're talking, of course, about a chance for a horse to go triple crown, it has been 35 years. he has to win the 2nd before the 3rd, but there is always excitement. are you hearing it with the jockey club?
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>> yes. i gain the interest on how many credentials. this is my 13th year and at 1700, the only year that was better was smarty jones. the philadelphia market invaded baltimore. so there has been a lot of interest. having a local tie with stewart, the co-owner being from northern baltimore county, it has boosted, you know, the profile. >> and quickly, mike, before we have to go. are tickets available for the infield? >> oh, yes. gigi. the infield, we have the the rogers entrance, we have tickets available for the infield. if you want to come to the building there is not a lot of available. and if you want to deal with the elements like it is right now, overcast and cloudy, but a nice day. >> all right.
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folks should definitely take heed of the new security procedures in place for this year. >> that's correct. you know, after what happened in boston last night. the law enforcement, local and federal came to my boss, tom, and give recommendations that he took. so you know, i think the main things are you're going to get wanted when you come in. so if you are trying, if you want to watch pit bull or anyone in the infield, give yourself 35 to 45 minutes extra. you will not be allowed to bring in backpacks to the facility or the infield. and clear containers for food. and the last of the important things is the cameras. you will not be able to have more than 6 inches with a detachable camera. so they are the big things. if you have questions, certainly visit we have all of the dos and don'ts. >> all right. it thank you. >> thank you. okay. guys, i appreciate it.
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>> thank you. >> all right. mike with the maryland jockey club this morning. we'll be right back. ,,,,,, ♪
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what makes a girl a covergirl? gotta have heart... soul... gotta have hot lipstick. covergirl lipperfection in hot. gotta have big, bold lashes. lashblast mascara. and now, you gotta have nail color so glossy it stays brilliant without a top coat! stay brilliant nail gloss. gotta have it makeup to make the most of you. easy breezy beautiful covergirl.
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okay. vacation season. you're going away. >> what do you do with the pets? >> spca is here. first off, a guest that needs a home. good morning. >> good morning. this is emma. she is adorable. she is mesmerized by you, gigi. >> if feeling is mixed. >> they have this beautiful
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ears that make them look like butterflies. he is a mixup for addition, she 2 years old. >> so, traveling with emma, this week, the unofficial weekend of sunser next week. >> it you want to bring your pets along with you, there are things you can do to make them safe and comfortable. we are big fans of a scent that soothes them. you can see it on their bedding. we use it in our adoption center as well. >> to they make it for coanchors? >> weather people. actually, it would be fun if they made thunder coats as well. that is new on the market for dogs. it is soothing. you can put them on him in the car. and also when something nerve- racking is happening. so he gets used to it. >> this is a travel bag. >> yes.
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a travel bag. a cloth or a plastic one, especially for cats. it makes them feel secure. you put the seatbelt through, so they are secure. and even a harnesses to make sure that they don't get hurt in the car. >> we're going to do a longer segment with you and invite our viewers to join us on, look for web extra for today. we will have more tips on ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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chance of showers this evening and tomorrow. 70 degrees both days. and the chance of storms on monday. and thursday temperatures near 85 degrees. quickly if you are traveling you can take your car in the dog with you. >> this dog car seat. they can see outside. >> you can get in that when your family comes and gets you. >> that is very, very cool. >> tell folks how they can contact you. >> yes. they cant us on there should be a link. >> sounds good. >> all right.
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maryland spca. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> take emma home. don't forget a car seat. >> i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm meteorologist tim williams. captions provided by: caption colorado, llc. 1-800-775-7838. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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